
  • 古澤良太的編劇法 - Ming Pao Daily News D04 | 副刊/世紀 | 世紀.影話 | By 林綸詩 2017-10-27 《乒乓情人夢》(圖)11 月9 日在港正式上畫,編劇古澤良太是華文區知名度較高的日本編劇,主要是作品《Legal High》(2012)得到很好的反應,遠超他的長壽劇《相棒》(2005...
    6 years ago


Nightmare Before X'mas

Philosophy of Death says people strive to live/survive because they want to choose their way of dying.
We do not wanna die in accidents.
We do not wanna die in pain.
At the end, actually we only want to die in peace.

But I always thought, actually people just do not want to die.

In the movie Choke, there says:
"I admire addicts. In a world where everybody is waiting for some blind, random disaster or some sudden disease, the addict has the comfort of knowing what will most likely wait for him down the road. He's taken some control over his ultimate fate, and his addiction keeps the cause of his death from being a total surprise....A good addiction takes the guesswork out of death. There is such a thing as planning your getaway."


This Christmas, how will grandma think about her getaway..?

1 comment:

kei said...

people do not want to die because death symbolizes an uncertainty, and people in general hate the feeling of uncertainty...the certainty of death is ironic to the uncertainty it stands for.

PS. I'm not in Taipei anymore...