《星空》把夢幻感放得最大,那些摺紙動物、那些畫裡行車,造作得來很假,too simple and naive。始終美學沒有幫補到故事,是缺了音樂的氛圍? 還是用道具的問題? 故事平舖直敘得驚人,一味只靠徐嬌沉著文靜氣息去推進,成長是靠一句話來完成。或許是那「我比你更可憐,我爸會打人和纏人」,或許是「我的夏天已提前結束了」。但也是僅此,沒有實在的劇情去支撐。後來片末roller看到原裝的幾米繪本,發現導演真的原汁原味,沒有多高潮或細節,放諸電影難怪這麼單薄。
其實看繪本覺得很足夠,林書宇不加鹽加醋難道真是錯? 可找兩套繪本電影來比較。一是《Where the Wild Things Are》,二是《Fantastic Mr Fox》,兩者都是改篇自極度簡單的插畫冊,但其電影卻有著加強了繁複、惠及了深度。更厲害是原本兩部畫作都是給孩子看,但電影把其扭至成人童話,至少於我認為是很有寓意的成人教育著作 (受港台影響, 「成人教育」部是很重要的 :p)
《Where》節奏和氛圍極強,雖然毛公仔擺明很假,但盛載到小孩子的另類世界,會讓人明白怎樣能拍得孩子世界不simple不naive---導演拍孩子的觀點,其中一場很深刻的是鏡頭視角從桌底,仰望著忙碌得不理孩子的母親,這樣的擺位令畫面很似曾相識,簡直如像喚醒了我們小時候(甚至到現在也擺脫不了)的孤獨。小男孩在整套電影的煩燥不安,切實:和姐姐朋友玩時突然感覺被欺負、對著媽媽情人時引起不到人的注意、帶著這份孤獨跑到在島上認識每隻Wild Thing---現實中折射出來的一頭頭性格鮮明的怪物。最後卻明白稱皇很難,黯然離開,一個孩子由想掌握一切至到無力,回歸媽媽的懷抱,它不只是一個關於孩子的故事了。
《Fantastic》則很明快,加入大量劇情,若繪本說了二成的東西,電影是加進了八成。原本只是偷東西保家園的故事,變成爸爸要學駕駑本性而學懂承擔的故事,若比較二者會發現導演花了幾多心機。之前寫過「狐狸先生」的修煉之路 ,不多講。
PS 題外話: Cast得最好是劉若英,那種過份自我簡直是《生日快樂》的延續!
Where the wild things are. "All is Love"
Douban 1 by 唐小万 和书写热血青春的《九降风》不同,《星空》显得有点不伦不类。作为成人片太幼稚、作为儿童片太矫情、作为商业片又硬往文艺的路子上靠,作为文艺片又明显没有那个气质。
Douban 2 by 羅莉亞LAURIA 台词真的非常糟糕,这不是生活中两个活生生的“人类”之间会出现的对话,太书面,太刻意了,导演急着想把那些带有人生哲理的话语告诉观众....
Haha different taste again, I actually like 《星空》a lot though I didn’t read the 幾米 book (and u know I dislike both 幾米 and Where the Wild Things Are).
ya perhaps i didn't like the character of the girl
did nothing and said she grew up jor, and wanted ppl to treat her better, what the heck did others owe her? and what did she do really to 'realize' she has grown up? run away and heard a story more bitter than her own story?
you know how i farn you throughout my secondary sch days about my family la....i just thought nowadays too many ppl see themselves as victim, or director too wants to make his characters as victims, and make up stories that are unreal either in the plot itself or the attitude of characters when confronting the difficulties.
so it really matches the 'unrealness' of the whole movie too :P
btw long time no leave msg here wor, colleagueeee
Yea I should leave comment here more frequently. U give me more coherent response here than on email lor. :P
Again this is somehow like the differences we look at Tree of Life. In 星空 the girl is also 勁chok 文藝樣, this I agree. However I don’t hv the feeling that she think 全世界都欠左佢, what I see is that she 唔知點算好, 唔知發生緊咩事, 直頭連victim-ize 自己都未識. I think the “adult please treat us better” monologue is 肉麻 & 畫蛇添足 in terms of script writing and directing, but if just in term of content: Everyone (esp kids) wants others to treat them better, I dun see she thinks 全世界欠左佢. After the whole film I don’t see anyone portray as victim – its just the way the world goes around.
And perhaps u think it is native, but the part abt her hearing a more bitter story is valid – D死o靚仔以為自己好慘, 聽了人地的故事發覺原來自己的事不值一提…. 其實d大人都係咁ga la, d明星探訪完山區, or d老師帶小朋友去貧窮地區, 好大的感想都係「拿睇下人地幾慘, 你幾幸福」. It is sheer skin deepness, but it is true. So maybe we look at the girl and thinks she is native to make the bitter story a big deal, but in her world at that stage, it makes the whole world upside down already. I think it is not to use our
Btw to me 兩條o靚仔夠pork咁樣走上山, 才是全片最surreal 的事haha. cultural shock perhaps :p
Btw2 – I think the music is nice wor, both world’s end girlfriend and mayday theme song haha.
on music: love them both, the song actually sounded better on mv, at the end of the film, i thought the lyrics were so hea. on computer they were fine. haha
on surreal: and i can't imagine her grandpa can live there......
agree with your 'bitter story' part, but that's what i want the film to show us how she has changed, not just saying 'oh i've grown' 'oh summer is over for me' means growing up or learning something. i've been a lousy script writer and i saw all my mistakes in there XD
i think it's director wants to victimize them, not girl victimize herself. besides the last 懶有野獨白, it's more of how the director misunderstands children. i think he really underestimates children...if lived under that family, won't be so stupid to ask to 'lets play puzzle together' in the midst of parents' quarrel. and i really wanna hide when she talks to the elephant, she's not 6 year old ok.....
and this is better than tree of life btw, hahahaha but yes maybe i just dun like the personality of the protagonist
did you write a review on the tree of life? i thought it was quite good (but maybe its because I relate to the child in the movie quite a lot)
i did ar...http://lamlunc.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post.html
probably either your dad was like brad pitt or some terrible thing happened that led to some loneliness? i experience the former but i still could not identify with it. really did not like the 自傷自憐, it puts everything back into the vicious cycle of bad fortune. i'm more affected by themes in japanese anime to live positive, XD
maybe it's like what you wrote, I like it because I like it without any apparent reason lol. yeah my dad is like brad pitt but I also think the scenery and atmosphere that the director created was very powerful in enhancing the emotions
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