
  • 古澤良太的編劇法 - Ming Pao Daily News D04 | 副刊/世紀 | 世紀.影話 | By 林綸詩 2017-10-27 《乒乓情人夢》(圖)11 月9 日在港正式上畫,編劇古澤良太是華文區知名度較高的日本編劇,主要是作品《Legal High》(2012)得到很好的反應,遠超他的長壽劇《相棒》(2005...
    6 years ago


Paul Cezanne

"he did not want to risk spending the afterlife "roasting in eternum". So Cezanne felt he did his moral duty by attending mass at a local Catholic church. He enjoyed mocking the priest, the organ players, and the entire "Middle Ages" atmosphere, as he referred to it. But Cezanne did eventually learn to appreciate his religion, after he had no one else to turn to for emotional support."

I found this when I'm doing my paper (係呀我仲做緊...
GEL Art Appreciation - Impressionism)



Anonymous said...

oh van gogh is my idol

Anonymous said...

oops...forgot to leave my name...i'm ur jutjai...